
Die Zerstörung des Himmels durch chemische Wolkenerzeugung

Bis 2025 wollen die USA die Herrschaft über die globalen Wetterverhältnisse erringen und das Erdklima mittels Versprühung chemischer Substanzen in der Atmosphäre manipulieren.

Dies geht aus einer offiziellen Studie hervor.

Zurückgehend auf das Welsbach Patent von 1991 begann die USA Mitte der 90er Jahre mit wolkenerzeugenden Sprühaktionen durch Flugzeuge. Diese wurden Ende der 90er in den USA und später in NATO und NATO-assoziierten Ländern flächendeckend durchgeführt. Weiterlesen

E.U. Parlamentarier Meijer stellte 2007 Chemtrail-Anfrage


By W. Hall
Aigina, Greece
August 30, 2007.

Submission in the European Parliament of written questions on “chemtrails” by Dutch Socialist deputy Erik Meijer will be seen as a positive development by some activists. Are we witnessing the beginnings of a new phase in the years-long saga of this aerosol-spraying activity, and of the stigmatized opposition to it?. (See the present writer’s: “Climate Change Jekylls and Hydes”). Meijer’s written questions, under the heading “Aircraft condensation trails which no longer only contain water but cause persistent milky veils, possibly due to the presence of barium and aluminium”, are not the first such submission to have been tabled in a European legislature: in 2005 the Democratic Left deputies Italo Sandi and Piero Ruzzante raised similar questions in the Italian Parliament. More recently their political associates Asimina Xirotiri and Fotis Kouvelis did the same in Greece. But faced with the stereotyped and uninformative responses such questions receive from official spokespersons, the reaction of parliamentarians is to become discouraged – or at any rate inactive and inaccessible – perhaps not perceiving what they should do next and for that reason reluctant to have too much contact with citizens still pressing them for action and/or answers, whom they are obliged to confront “with empty hands”. Weiterlesen

Chemtrail Patente Inklusive Barium Zusammensetzungen

DGLR Luftfahrt-Forum

Für alle Chemtrail Zweifler – alle US-Patente

Geschrieben von: Realist
Datum: 4. April 2004, 21:45h

Chemtrail Patente – die Realität für alle Zweifler

A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth’s surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region. Weiterlesen

CFR Geo Engineering Vorstellung

CFR- Bottom line

It is probably safe to assume that the direct monetary cost of geoenginering would be at

least 100 times less than the cost of a full program of GHG abatement…

…and perhaps much cheaper than that

Because it is relatively cheap, a nation that had not done much abatement, but started climate impacts, might be tempted to unilaterally engage in albedo-modifying geoengineering.

Unilateral Geoengineering

A few basic ideas about the science to start our discussions

2008 May 05

M. Granger Morgan

Department of

Engineering and Public Policy
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
tel: 412-268-2672
e-mail: granger.morgan@andrew.

Four examples of how the earth’s albedo might be increased:


(ENMOD-KONVENTION-1977- Anhang 2- Auszug)

Folgende Beispiele illustrieren die Möglichkeiten, welche durch die Benutzung von Umweltmanipulations-Techniken verursacht werden können: Erdbeben,Tsunamis, die Unterbrechung der ökologischen Balance einer Region, Änderung der Wettermuster (Wolken, Niederschlagsmenge, Zyklone und Tornados), Änderungen in Klima-Mustern und in Meeresströmungen, Änderungen des Zustandes der Ozonschicht und der Ionosphäre.



IPCC Climate Change Report 2001 (Bewertung von Partikelausbringungen)

Options to Enhance, Maintain, and Manage Biological Carbon Reservoirs and Geo-engineering                                                                                                         S.   333

This might involve providing nitrogen or phosphorus in large quantities, but the quantities to be supplied would be much smaller if growth were limited by a micronutrient. In particular, there is evidence that in large areas of the Southern Ocean productivity is limited by availability of the micronutrient iron. Martin (1990, 1991) suggested that the ocean could be stimulated to take up additional CO2 from the atmosphere by providing additional iron, and that 300,000 tonnes of iron could result in the removal of 0.8GtC from the atmosphere.  Other analyses have suggested that the effect may be more limited.  Peng and Broecker (1991) examined the dynamic aspects of this proposal and concluded that, even if the iron hypothesis was completely correct, the dynamic issues of mixing the excess carbon into the deep ocean would limit the magnitude of the impact on the atmosphere. Joos et al. (1991) reported on a similar model experiment and found the ocean dynamics to be less important, the time path of anthropogenic CO2 emissions to be very important, and the maximum potential effect of iron fertilization to be somewhat greater than reported by Peng and Broecker (1991).
