Chemtrails-Kriminelle Experimente: Chemtrails of the World

by Mark Metcalf

The following excerpts are from the new wall calendar/picture book, Chemtrails of the World, by Mark Metcalf.

Initially, the chemtrail program manifested in a variety of ways. In some isolated cases, observers reported seeing clearly marked US military jet fighters flying at tree-top height dropping a spray that killed animals and sickened people. Some cases occurred in parts of Washington state near the Canadian border. But the overwhelming majority of sightings consisted of rows of clouds being emitted from white jets flying at high altitude. Where do these white jets come from and who is directing the chemtrail spraying program? It turns out that the United States Air Force has a fleet of approximately 550 KC-135 tanker jets many of which have been painted white to resemble civilian airliners.2 Air Force documents refer to the long white plumes of these aircraft as „aerial obscuration,“ ostensibly because the long trails can spread out over a period of hours to form an overcast sky.3 These artificial overcasts often have subtle parallel lines or striations running through them. When looking at the sun through these thin wispy clouds one can often observe a subtle, chemical, multi-colored halo, with colors similar to gasoline on water. The effect is more pronounced when viewed through polarized sunglasses. The jets can also be seen marking a large chemtrail „X“ in the sky, indicating that satellites are directing jet flight paths and tracking the movement of the artificial clouds.

Enter the Black Lines

Chemtrails contain many exotic mysteries. For example, I have noticed on numerous occasions that the KC-135’s appear to be following a faint black line in the sky. At first I thought it was an optical illusion, but I later realized it must be real. In scanning the Internet I found that many others were also seeing the lines coincide with chemtrail spraying.4 One man from Sweden wrote, „On the day that this picture was taken (of the chemtrails), I found a strange dark shadow in front of the plane. First I thought that this was some kind of optical illusion. The aircraft followed the dark shadow-line in a perfect way, when it all of a sudden made a turn and moved away from it. I realized that this was some kind of line that the plane followed and not at all an illusion created by the plane.“ In another case, a woman driving from Des Moines to Shenandoah, Iowa, said, „I saw a black line extend out from a plane I was watching. The subsequent chemtrail followed the black line exactly.“

The most interesting report came from someone in the air. „I was flying to San Francisco from London Heathrow and we were over Greenland at the time when I looked out of the window and noticed a thick translucent black band in the sky. I stared at it for a while unable to work out what I was looking at. It was probably about a mile away from the plane and stretched as far as you could see in a perfectly straight line in both directions. Suddenly a black object appeared in the middle of the (black line) corridor and stopped, turned slightly towards the plane and then did the strangest thing: it elongated to about 10 times the original size until it was what I can only describe as a stretched-out triangleŠ then instantly accelerated away at a phenomenal speed down the (black line) corridor.

„My two colleagues also witnessed this and were just as puzzled and amazed. Shortly after, just into Canada we noticed a very, very long perfectly straight road through literally nowhere just going on for miles. Suddenly we passed a huge pentagon-shaped complex that this road led to with nothing else around. Just this place with buildings and hangars and a runway absolutely in the middle of nowhere.“

One Country Tries to Stop the Spraying

Before the publication of this book, chemtrail spraying had been reported in a number of other countries including England and Spain, both of which are closely allied with the US military. On April 28, 1997, Cuba filed a complaint before the United Nations General Assembly charging the U.S. was spraying biological warfare agents over Cuban soil.5 While Cuba has been unable to have the matter investigated by the UN, the US has also been unable to have the matter dropped.

The official US responses are interesting. In one incident, the State Department admitted an S2R crop-dusting plane operated by the state department overflew Cuba, but said it „emitted only smoke.“ Washington Times 8/26/97

In another incident, „a Cuban pilot reported seeing the release of unknown substances, in the form of a white or greyish mist on 10/21/96.“ (On 12/18/96, the first signs of thrips plague appeared in Matanzas province.)

The official US response was that the US pilot had, during his flight, seen a Cuban commercial airplane flying below, and as he was not certain of having been seen, „following caution and safety procedures,“ and with the purpose of securing a positive visual contact, the pilot used the „smoke generator“ of his aircraft, in order to „indicate its location,“ adding that „the smoke vanished and no fluid was poured from the airplane.“ However, the US SAR aircraft, register N3093M is officially used by the State Department against drug trafficking, to destroy crops. The aircraft utilizes two sprinkling systems: one for the use of aerosols and liquid particles and another for dropping solid particles. The SAR aircraft is not known to carry a smoke generator.

The Cuban government has also filed a protest with the UN regarding the United States‘ refusal to adopt a draft protocol prohibiting plans and production of biological weapons for 30 years. In addition, on May 31, 1999, a lawsuit for $181 billion in wrongful death and personal injury was filed in Havana Provincial Civil Court in which the US was accused of genocide.

But the bio-attack on Cuba has been unrelenting. In 2002, a Canadian tourist reported seeing what he assumed were regular rocket flights – possibly to avoid anti-aircraft fire – that penetrate Cuban airspace and leave long plumes of smoky white material. Cuban health officials were quoted as saying that the government is quietly working to control the spread of the biological agents from the US aerosol campaign.

One Town Stands Up

In 1999, 550 citizens of Espanola, Ontario, brought a petition before the Canadian Parliament asking the Canadian government to stop the U.S. military from spraying. Town residents said the spray appeared to be making people sick. At a public meeting on chemtrails, the Ontario Minister of Environment refused to release air quality findings for Espanola. Unlike our island neighbors to the south, no government has interceded to protect North Americans from the US military aerosol campaign.

Some political leaders are no doubt being told that the artificial cloud spraying program is necessary to reverse global warming but must be kept secret so as not to panic the public. But if reflecting the sun’s light and heat back into space is the purpose, why do the jets also spray at night? Why have they been seen spraying on naturally occurring overcast days? And why are they inundating the earth with a fungus genetically tailored to thrive on human blood?

Fungi from the Crypt

Award-winning journalist Will Thomas has reported that lab analysis showed spray samples contained over 360 different varieties of mold and fungi in addition to gene-splicing markers and extremely thin, red human blood cells.6

The chemtrail samples also contained a new breed of designer chemicals about which little is known in the public domain but which appear to be very dangerous, plus aluminum particulates approximately 1 micron in diameter.

Chemtrail particles are carried by air currents, spreading a fine dust of pathogenic materials throughout the environment. The dust is nearly impossible to avoid since people can ingest it simply by breathing, eating and drinking. It is logical to assume that those who have initiated this spraying program are well aware of its inescapable properties. What is more disturbing is the ease with which a more deadly substance could be substituted for the current chemtrail mix. Should this happen, it seems likely that the chemtrail program could exterminate all above-ground human populations in North America in approximately one week.

Medical doctors often misdiagnose fungal conditions because they are taught that fungi cannot live in the blood stream (become systemic), nor can the resolution of the microscopes (1,000 x magnification) commonly used by doctors reveal the presence of fungi in blood samples. However, there is a microscope (8,000 to 15,000 x magnification) that can, and does, reveal fungus in the blood. This microscope has a camera that can record the enlarged images on video, providing irrefutable documentation.

The inventor of this microscope, Dr. Robert Bradford of American Biologics, was actually run out of the United States for his efforts to help mankind and now has an office in Tijuana, Mexico. Doctors possessing these super-microscopes are intensely „regulated“ by the federal government, which closely monitors their research. Under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules, patients cannot be shown images or test results from the microscope. Research is also subject to inspection at any time of the day or night, and the FDA charges the targeted researchers $250 each time they show up.

Designer Fungus and Cancer

Dr. Marijah McCain, founder of the Herbal Healer Academy in Mountain View, Arkansas, has conducted extensive studies with her $40,000 super-microscope. In one study she discovered and documented a contagious leukemia virus. In another study, testing thirty patients, Dr. McCain found that eighty-three percent had systemic fungus in the blood. Her research also shows a direct link between the presence of fungus in the blood and the spread of cancer.7 Dr. McCain said, „Every single patient that I have seen that is terminal with cancer has the most incredible fungus overgrowth in the blood stream. Cancer is a slow-moving growth of mutating cells. The (allopathic) doctors will tell you it’s fast moving and it’s going to kill you very quickly. What can kill you is the fungus because the fungus moves very quickly and it’s caused directly by the use of the chemotherapy. I have documented this in every instance.“

What Dr. McCain is saying is that fungus/yeast is a plant and the growth of plants is accelerated by some chemicals and by radiation. She has also discovered that many cases of arthritis are not arthritis, but systemic fungus/yeast in the blood that clogs the arteries, causing them to swell.

Dr. McCain has been relentlessly hounded by the FDA. There is evidence that FDA activities are covertly directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) using executives from top-secret contractors like Monsanto Corporation who are appointed to high FDA policy-making positions despite obvious conflict of interest.8 Dr. McCain has also had numerous attempts on her life. In one case, a high-powered rifle fired through the walls of her home. In another case, an unmarked helicopter sprayed her with poison. (In 1997, an unmarked, white helicopter sprayed me with an unknown substance while hovering about sixty feet above my home in Los Angeles for approximately five minutes.).

Microbiologist Mortality Goes Up

Interestingly, there now appears to be a global assassination program of the world’s top microbiologists. Since 9-11-01, fifteen leading microbiologists have met untimely ends due to everything from gunshots to baseball bats to falling off bridges. Many of these men were considered the world’s leading experts in infectious disease. See for more details.

Barium Found in Chemtrails

A Mr. Clifford Carnicom has cultured chemtrail spray samples in New Mexico and proven that barium is present.10 His test procedures and results are posted at Barium suppresses human T-cell production, making the human body very susceptible to infectious agents. Barium also has electromagnetic properties and may be both amplifying and more evenly dispersing pulsed-energy waves first uncovered by a deceased University of Chapel Hill professor, Dr. David Fraser, in 1975. These waves are now most likely blanketing all cities and towns in North America for the purpose of mood and mind control.

Carnicom has also confirmed the existence of the pulsed energy in every location he has tested and has created a method by which it can be measured and recorded that is posted on his website,

Pulsed-energy mind-control technology for mass populations was first tested on Medford, Oregon, making it the suicide capital of the nation overnight in the mid-seventies. See my article, „The Secret War Against Medford, Oregon.“

The Spider’s Web

Carnicom also received two similar spray samples picked up by separate eyewitnesses wanting to know what the strange weblike material was. One of the samples was fifty feet long by a half-inch wide. A small portion was sent to a laboratory for detailed analysis, whereupon two PhD’s steadfastly maintained that the material was either silk or wool fibers. However, these men abruptly broke off all communication once their conclusion was challenged by simple, ordinary facts.

Human hair ranges from 60 to 100 microns thick. Wool fibers are 15 to 25 microns thick. Asbestos fibers are 2 to 3 microns thick. But the extremely adhesive, weblike fibers were essentially invisible to the human eye, measuring 0.2 to 0.3 microns in diameter. Under microscopic analysis they appeared wavy and of a synthetic nature. „Sufficiently unique to warrant further investigation,“ said Carnicom.

EPA Says „Drop Dead.“

A sample was then sent to Carol M. Browner at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by certified mail.3 The EPA has since refused to acknowledge possession of the sample and has issued a statement saying they are „unaware“ of any program to distribute materials over the population of the United States through the use of aircraft.

Doctors Become Alarmed

Eight doctors have come together to start the Morgellons Research Foundation, a grassroots organization, dedicated to finding the cause of an increasingly prevalent skin disease of unknown origin. Their website, , is a treasure-trove of medical documentation that includes photographs of the microfibers. The disease consists of skin lesions that contain „fiber-like objects as well as clear filament-like objects of unknown origin.“ „We are attempting to isolate this organism and determine how it is able to cause the intense itching, stinging and disfiguring skin lesions which are the main symptoms of this disease.“

At the moment, the doctors say most reports are coming from California, Texas and Florida. „The working hypothesis of this foundation is that an infection with Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) (the bacteria that causes Lyme disease), may alter the individual’s immune system and allow this unknown organism to become an opportunistic co-infection.“11 So far, ninety-five percent of those afflicted with this skin disease who were tested for Bb have tested positive. The fibers have been analyzed by FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and are composed of cellulose. A mystery fungus is also thought to play a role in the disease.

Because the symptoms and physical findings are so unusual, most physicians just assume the patient is misinterpreting their condition. Many adults comp laining of a hardening or thickening of the skin, hair loss, lymphedema, skin lesions, profound fatigue and joint pain, are receiving a diagnosis of Delusional Parasitosis. The Morgellons doctors added that, „Objects described as granules are often found associated with (the) skin lesions as well. Several people have had lymph nodes surgically removed due to obstruction.“ You can contact the doctors at or fax them at (760) 457-3441.

The Coming Global Desert?

If in an environment of 30% humidity you have what appears to be a cloud forming, it is logical to allow for the possibility of a foreign material or aerosol that is gathering what little moisture is available into that cloud formation. In this regard, Carnicom has developed a hypothesis that correlates well with the known facts. Since it is impossible for clouds to form under relative humidity conditions below 70% without the introduction of an aerosol of fine particles, then such particles must be present. Logically, these particles should contain nuclei with a water-loving nature, such as salt.

Carnicom concludes that barium salts are the answer. When barium carbonate is burned it forms barium oxide. Among other properties it possesses, barium oxide absorbs moisture, absorbs CO2 and induces respiratory distress.

It appears that the chemtrail aerosol is designed to function like a net, capturing moisture in the atmosphere on a planetary level, and then redirecting that moisture into space. Says Carnicom, „There is a case developing that moisture is actually being drawn out of the sky by this material and that the rainfall patterns are being altered.“

It seems to work like this: Chemtrail clouds draw moisture and carbon dioxide out of the surrounding air and the atmosphere gets dryer and thinner. As long as the chemtrail clouds are still present, they reflect the sun’s heat back into space, making the reduction of sun-shielding atmosphere less noticeable. But as soon as the spraying stops over a given region for a number of days, the land and air become extremely dry and overheated. This occurred over Montana, Washington and British Columbia during the summer of 2003, causing massive forest fires. In British Columbia, the Nelson Daily News reported the driest conditions in fifty years. Anyone paying attention to the sky saw heavy spraying throughout the year over these forested regions, but by the end of July all spraying stopped.

The same series of events may also have been used to trigger record temperatures and forest fires in Europe. „We’ve not seen such an extended period of dry weather and sunny days since records began (in about 1870),“ said Michael Knobelsdorf, a meteorologist with the German weather service, referring to Europe as a whole.13

This book documents heavy spraying over Europe with numerous color photographs taken during the preceding winter and spring that led up to the scorching summer of 2003.14 In addition, a severe drought was also experienced in South Central India where I had earlier photographed chemtrail spraying.

If the chemtrails are being sprayed to protect mankind from a thinning atmosphere and the resulting rise in solar heat, why did they stop spraying in some areas during the hottest months of the summer in 2003? And more importantly, why didn’t they resume the spraying to help control the widespread forest fires that began the following week?

Excerpts from the new wall calendar/picture book, Chemtrails of the World,


Mark Metcalf.


R1. Dugway Proving Grounds, UT

2. Chemtrails: The Video, available from Silver Protects, Inc. Call 503 359-5954.US

3. Air Force Fact Sheet, March 2003

4. , August 20, 2003

5. , August 20, 2003

6. Radio program, circa 2000

7. „More than 50% of the population will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime and the percentage is steadily climbing. Today the cancer rate is 1 out of 2 for men and 2 out of 3 for women.“ , August 20, 2003

8. Monsanto Watch at , August-20-2003

9. Ted Gunderson documentary video available from Silver Protects, Inc. Call 503 359-5954.

10. Clifford Carnicom is a research scientist, and was a federal employee for 15 years with three different agencies: the United States Department of Defense, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Forest Service. His technical background is extensive in the fields of geodetic science, advanced mathematics, computer science, and the physical sciences.

11. „Lyme disease cases jumped 34% in Wisconsin last year, a near-record level that outpaced the nationwide incidence, which increased 24%. Wisconsin has the seventh highest incidence of the disease. In 1998, the incidence was nearly 13 per 100,000 residents, which still pales alongside the 70 per 100,000 rate in Connecticut“ – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 13, 1999

12. I asked my attorney, Jonathan Emord – the number one regulatory law specialist in the United States – if I might incur any legal problems with my assertion about the FDA. He responded, „Not atll. We can easily prove that in court.“

13. „What’s remarkable is that these extremes of weather are happening at such short intervals which suggests the climate is unbalanced. Last year in Germany, we were under water. Now we have one of the worst droughts in human memory,“ said Michael Knobelsdorf. –

14. France’s blistering heat wave has killed some 3,000 people in three weeks, health officials said on Thursday, describing the death rate as an epidemic.

Informant: George Paxinos